
This page only presents courses taught in English and with public content. The complete list of courses I taught is available from my cv.

Data Analysis Using Stata
Aix-Marseille School of Economics - M1
2016/2017 [+]


Notes (as slides)

Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3
Problem 4
Problem 5

Final project
Political Economy
Aix-Marseille School of Economics - M2
2015/2016 [+]


Intermediary exam
Final exam

Lecture 1 - From social choice to political economy Readings [+]
Women's Suffrage, Political Responsiveness, and Child Survival in American History - Miller (2008)
Women as Policy Makers Evidence from a Randomized Policy Experiment in India - Chattopadhyay and Duflo (2004)
Can Mandated Political Representation Increase Policy Influence for Disadvantaged Minorities Theory and Evidence from India - Pande (2003)
Lecture 2 - Political agency and electoral control Readings [+]
Does Electoral Accountability Affect Economic Policy Choices Evidence from Gubernatorial Term Limits - Besley and Case (1995)
Electoral Accountability and Corruption Evidence from the Audits of Local Governments - Ferraz and Finan (2011)
The Political Economy of Government Responsiveness Theory and Evidence from India - Besley and Burgess (2002)
Lecture 3 - Collective action and diversity Readings [+]
Public Goods and Ethnic Division - Alesina, Baqir and Easterly (1999)
Political Jurisdictions in Heterogeneous Communities - Alesina, Baqir and Hoxby (2004)
Ethnic Diversity, Social Sanctions, and Public Goods in Kenya - Miguel and Gugerty (2005)
Pitfalls of Participatory Programs: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in India - Banerjee, Banerji, Duflo, Glennerster and Khemani (2010)
Power to the People: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experimentation on Community-based Monitoring in Ugnada - Bjorkman and Svensson (2009)
Lecture 4 - Politics and the media Readings [+]
News Droughts, News Floods, and US Disaster Relief - Eisensee and Stromberg (2007)
Handcuffs for the Grabbing Hand? Media Capture and Government Accountability - Besley and Prat (2006)
Government Advertising and Media Coverage of Corruption Scandals - Di Tella and Franceschelli (2011)
The Fox News Effect: Media Bias and Voting - DellaVigna and Kaplan (2007)
Lecture 5 - Dictatorships (and revolutions) Readings [+]
Do Leaders Matter? National Leadership and Growth Since World War II - Jones and Olken (2005)
Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development - Olson (1993)
Public Economics
Aix-Marseille School of Economics - M1
2012/2013 [+]


Intermediary exam
Final exam

Lecture 1 - Introduction to public economics
Lecture 2 - Empirical evidence and methods for public economics Readings [+]
Natural ``Natural Experiments'' in Economics - Rosenzweig and Wolpin (2000)
The experimental approach to development economics - Banerjee and Duflo (2008)
Should the randomistas rule? - Ravallion (2009)
Lecture 3 - Social choice and welfare Readings [+]
A difficulty in the concept of social welfare - Arrow (1950)
The contributions of Sen to welfare economics - Atkinson (1999)
Election by majority judgment: Experimental evidence - Balinski and Laraki (2010)
Jugement majoritaire vs. vote majoritaire - Balinski and Laraki (2012)
Do voters affect or elect policies? Evidence from the US house - Lee, Moretti and Butler (2004)
Lecture 4 - Public goods and externalities Readings [+]
On the private provision of public goods - Bergstrom, Blume and Varian (1986)
An accurate measurement of the crowd-out effect, income effect, and price effect for charitable contributions - Kingma (1989)
Are church and state substitutes? Evidence from the 1966 welfare reform - Hungerman (2005)
The accident externality from driving - Edlin and Karaca-Mandic (2006)
Does air qualilty matter? Evidence from the housing market - Chay and logo_greenstone (2005)
Contingent valuation: Is some number better than non number? - Diamond and Hausman (1994)
Lecture 5 - Taxation of commodities Readings [+]
Tax incidence - Kotlikoff and Summers (1987)
$2.00 gas! Studying the effects of a gas tax moratorium - Doyle and Samphantharak (2008)
Salience and taxation: Theory and evidence - Chetty, Looney and Kroft (2009)
The incidence of corporation income tax - Harberger (1962)
Optimal taxation and public production I: Production efficiency - Diamond and Mirrlees (1971)
Optimal taxation and public production II: Tax rules - Diamond and Mirrlees (1971)
Lecture 6 - Taxation of labor Readings [+]
An exploration in the theory of optimum income taxation - Mirrlees (1971)
Optimal income taxation: An example with a u-shaped patttern of optimal marginal tax rates - Diamond (1998)
Using elasticities to derive optimal income tax rates - Saez (2001)
The case for a progressive tax: From basic research to policy recommendations - Diamond and Saez (2011)
What happens when you tax the rich? Evidence from executive compensation - Goolsbee (2000)
Taxation and international migration of superstars: Evidence from the European football market - Kleven, Landais and Saez (2012)
Lecture 7 - Taxation of capital Readings [+]
Savings and taxation - King (1980)
Evaluating fiscal policy with a dynamic simulation model - Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987)
The strategic bequest motive - Benrheim, Shleifer ans Summers (1985)
Redistributive taxation in a simple perfect foresight model - Judd (1985)
Optimal taxation of capital income in general equilibrium with infinite lives - Chamley (1986)
On the long-run evolution of inheritance: France 1820-2050 - Piketty (2011)
The missing wealth of nations: Are Europe and the US net debtors or net creditors? - Zucman (2011)
Income inequality in France, 1901-1998 - Piketty (2003)
Income inequality in the United States, 1913-1998 - Piketty and Saez (2003)
Lecture 8 - Social insurance Readings [+] Equilibrium in competitive insurance markets: An essay on the economics of imperfect information - Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976)
Some aspects of optimal unemployment insurance - Baily (1978)
A general formula for the optimal level of social insurance - Chetty (2006)
Workers' compensation and injury duration: Evidence from a natural experiment - Meyer, Viscusi and Durbin (1995)
Economic aspects of optimal disability benefits - Diamond and Sheshinski (1995)
Disability insurance benefits and labor supply - Gruber (2000)
The value of a statistical life A critical review of market estimates throughout the world - Viscusi and Aldy (2003)
Provider behavior under prospective reimbursment - Ellis and McGuire (1986)
The spike at benefit exhaustion: Leaving the unemployment system or starting a new job? - Card, Chetty and Weber (2007)

2013/2014 [+]


Intermediary exam
Final exam

Lecture 1 - Introduction to public economics
Lecture 2 - Facts and empirical methods
Lecture 3 - Social choice and welfare Readings [+]
A difficulty in the concept of social welfare - Arrow (1950)
The contributions of Sen to welfare economics - Atkinson (1999)
Election by majority judgment: Experimental evidence - Balinski and Laraki (2010)
Jugement majoritaire vs. vote majoritaire - Balinski and Laraki (2012)
Do voters affect or elect policies? Evidence from the US house - Lee, Moretti and Butler (2004)
Lecture 4 - Public goods and externalities Readings [+]
On the private provision of public goods - Bergstrom, Blume and Varian (1986)
An accurate measurement of the crowd-out effect, income effect, and price effect for charitable contributions - Kingma (1989)
Are church and state substitutes? Evidence from the 1966 welfare reform - Hungerman (2005)
The accident externality from driving - Edlin and Karaca-Mandic (2006)
Does air qualilty matter? Evidence from the housing market - Chay and logo_greenstone (2005)
Contingent valuation: Is some number better than non number? - Diamond and Hausman (1994)
Lecture 5 - Taxation of commodities Readings [+]
Tax incidence - Kotlikoff and Summers (1987)
$2.00 gas! Studying the effects of a gas tax moratorium - Doyle and Samphantharak (2008)
Salience and taxation: Theory and evidence - Chetty, Looney and Kroft (2009)
The incidence of corporation income tax - Harberger (1962)
Optimal taxation and public production I: Production efficiency - Diamond and Mirrlees (1971)
Optimal taxation and public production II: Tax rules - Diamond and Mirrlees (1971)
Lecture 6 - Taxation of labor Readings [+]
An exploration in the theory of optimum income taxation - Mirrlees (1971)
Optimal income taxation: An example with a u-shaped patttern of optimal marginal tax rates - Diamond (1998)
Using elasticities to derive optimal income tax rates - Saez (2001)
The case for a progressive tax: From basic research to policy recommendations - Diamond and Saez (2011)
What happens when you tax the rich? Evidence from executive compensation - Goolsbee (2000)
Taxation and international migration of superstars: Evidence from the European football market - Kleven, Landais and Saez (2012)
Lecture 7 - Taxation of capital Readings [+]
Savings and taxation - King (1980)
Evaluating fiscal policy with a dynamic simulation model - Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987)
The strategic bequest motive - Benrheim, Shleifer ans Summers (1985)
Redistributive taxation in a simple perfect foresight model - Judd (1985)
Optimal taxation of capital income in general equilibrium with infinite lives - Chamley (1986)
On the long-run evolution of inheritance: France 1820-2050 - Piketty (2011)
The missing wealth of nations: Are Europe and the US net debtors or net creditors? - Zucman (2013)
Income inequality in France, 1901-1998 - Piketty (2003)
Income inequality in the United States, 1913-1998 - Piketty and Saez (2003)
Lecture 8 - Social insurance Readings [+]
Equilibrium in competitive insurance markets: An essay on the economics of imperfect information - Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976)
Some aspects of optimal unemployment insurance - Baily (1978)
A general formula for the optimal level of social insurance - Chetty (2006)
Workers' compensation and injury duration: Evidence from a natural experiment - Meyer, Viscusi and Durbin (1995)
Economic aspects of optimal disability benefits - Diamond and Sheshinski (1995)
Disability insurance benefits and labor supply - Gruber (2000)
The value of a statistical life A critical review of market estimates throughout the world - Viscusi and Aldy (2003)
Provider behavior under prospective reimbursment - Ellis and McGuire (1986)
The spike at benefit exhaustion: Leaving the unemployment system or starting a new job? - Card, Chetty and Weber (2007)

2014/2015 [+]


Intermediary exam
Final exam

Problem set 1
Problem set 2
Problem set 3

Lecture 1 - Introduction to public economics
Lecture 2 - Social choice and welfare Readings [+]
A difficulty in the concept of social welfare - Arrow (1950)
The contributions of Sen to welfare economics - Atkinson (1999)
Election by majority judgment: Experimental evidence - Balinski and Laraki (2010)
Jugement majoritaire vs. vote majoritaire - Balinski and Laraki (2012)
Who's favored by evaluative voting? An experiment conducted during the 2012 French presidential election - Baujard, Igersheim, Lebon, Gavrel and Laslier (2014)
Do voters affect or elect policies? Evidence from the US house - Lee, Moretti and Butler (2004)
Lecture 3 - Public goods and externalities Readings [+]
On the private provision of public goods - Bergstrom, Blume and Varian (1986)
An accurate measurement of the crowd-out effect, income effect, and price effect for charitable contributions - Kingma (1989)
Are church and state substitutes? Evidence from the 1966 welfare reform - Hungerman (2005)
The accident externality from driving - Edlin and Karaca-Mandic (2006)
Does air qualilty matter? Evidence from the housing market - Chay and logo_greenstone (2005)
Contingent valuation: Is some number better than non number? - Diamond and Hausman (1994)
Lecture 4 - Taxation of commodities Readings [+]
Tax incidence - Kotlikoff and Summers (1987)
$2.00 gas! Studying the effects of a gas tax moratorium - Doyle and Samphantharak (2008)
Pourquoi les ménages à bas revenus paient-ils des loyers de plus en plus élevés ? - Fack (2005)
Salience and taxation: Theory and evidence - Chetty, Looney and Kroft (2009)
The incidence of corporation income tax - Harberger (1962)
Optimal taxation and public production I: Production efficiency - Diamond and Mirrlees (1971)
Optimal taxation and public production II: Tax rules - Diamond and Mirrlees (1971)
Lecture 5 - Taxation of labor Readings [+]
An exploration in the theory of optimum income taxation - Mirrlees (1971)
Optimal income taxation: An example with a u-shaped patttern of optimal marginal tax rates - Diamond (1998)
Using elasticities to derive optimal income tax rates - Saez (2001)
The case for a progressive tax: From basic research to policy recommendations - Diamond and Saez (2011)
What happens when you tax the rich? Evidence from executive compensation - Goolsbee (2000)
Taxation and international migration of superstars: Evidence from the European football market - Kleven, Landais and Saez (2012)
Lecture 6 - Taxation of capital Readings [+]
Savings and taxation - King (1980)
Evaluating fiscal policy with a dynamic simulation model - Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987)
The strategic bequest motive - Benrheim, Shleifer ans Summers (1985)
On the long-run evolution of inheritance: France 1820-2050 - Piketty (2011)
The missing wealth of nations: Are Europe and the US net debtors or net creditors? - Zucman (2013)
Income inequality in France, 1901-1998 - Piketty (2003)
Income inequality in the United States, 1913-1998 - Piketty and Saez (2003)
Lecture 7 - Social insurance Readings [+]
Equilibrium in competitive insurance markets: An essay on the economics of imperfect information - Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976)
Some aspects of optimal unemployment insurance - Baily (1978)
A general formula for the optimal level of social insurance - Chetty (2006)
Workers' compensation and injury duration: Evidence from a natural experiment - Meyer, Viscusi and Durbin (1995)
Economic aspects of optimal disability benefits - Diamond and Sheshinski (1995)
Disability insurance benefits and labor supply - Gruber (2000)
The value of a statistical life A critical review of market estimates throughout the world - Viscusi and Aldy (2003)
Provider behavior under prospective reimbursment - Ellis and McGuire (1986)
The spike at benefit exhaustion: Leaving the unemployment system or starting a new job? - Card, Chetty and Weber (2007)
    Last update: July 2024